Next meeting:
Sunday, February 2nd
11:30 am
Joshua's Restaurant
Port Angeles
Sunday, February 2nd
11:30 am
Joshua's Restaurant
Port Angeles
Reindeer Run recap here!
Next up:
Pizza Party!
January 18th
Westside Pizza
540 W. Washington St.
11:33 am
This will be a fun get-together to visit and share VW stories and start off the new year! We will not be cruising. Just meet at Westside Pizza in Sequim (540 West Washington Street) at 11:33 am. We will have a special area set aside just for us.
Westside Pizza is located on Washington Street, west of 5th Avenue, near Safeway. The restaurant would like to know how many are coming three days in advance so they can set up the area for us so be sure to RSVP!
Pizza Party!
January 18th
Westside Pizza
540 W. Washington St.
11:33 am
This will be a fun get-together to visit and share VW stories and start off the new year! We will not be cruising. Just meet at Westside Pizza in Sequim (540 West Washington Street) at 11:33 am. We will have a special area set aside just for us.
Westside Pizza is located on Washington Street, west of 5th Avenue, near Safeway. The restaurant would like to know how many are coming three days in advance so they can set up the area for us so be sure to RSVP!
Happy New Year!
Strait Air Cruises Big Sur on Treffen 2019!
NEW!!! We now have a For Sale, Free, and Swap page!
Got a car or some parts to sell or give away? Just click the button below and include all relevant info like specs, price if any, and a picture if you have one. Annie will post it right away.
Got a car or some parts to sell or give away? Just click the button below and include all relevant info like specs, price if any, and a picture if you have one. Annie will post it right away.
Need some parts? Of course you do! You always need parts because you own a Volkswagen.
Airhead Parts lost their website and all their data last year due to the wildfires in California, and because of that, they lost a lot of sales. Let's help them get back on their feet by keeping them in mind next time you need a part or two! These guys are the organizers of Treffen, so let's do what the VW community does best and support them! |
Did you know Strait Air Volksgrüppe has a Facebook page? Well, we do! Click on the link below to go to our page and click "join"!