VW Club Donates Proceeds
On July 26, Strait Air Volksgrüppe held a Volkswagen car show at 7 Cedars Casino in Blyn. The membership voted to donate the proceeds of the show to three organizations: $450 to Volunteer Hospice of Clallam County; $450 to The Answer For Youth (TAFY); and $100 to Peninsula Friends of Animals.
On July 26, Strait Air Volksgrüppe held a Volkswagen car show at 7 Cedars Casino in Blyn. The membership voted to donate the proceeds of the show to three organizations: $450 to Volunteer Hospice of Clallam County; $450 to The Answer For Youth (TAFY); and $100 to Peninsula Friends of Animals.
Dan Schulz, president, Strait Air Volksgruppe (left) and Bette Wood, Patient Care Manager for Volunteer Hospice of Clallam County (right)
Susan Hillgren, Executive Director, The Answer For Youth (left), and Dan Schulz, president, Strait Air Volksgruppe (right)