The July 4th tradition for the Strait Air Volksgrüppe: The Diamond Point Parade and potluck at Paul's house. It's the cutest small town parade and always a lot of fun. Paul is a wonderful host, letting us meet up and decorate our cars in his yard, the providing the pizza and beverages for the party after.
Staging area: Paul's house! Here's Dave and Tim discussing the finer points of car decorating.
Dale and his wife getting the Kubelwagen ready! They totally dressed the part with helmets and everything. We decided that throwing grenades would be a little over the top though.
We V-Dub people are pretty resourceful. Those holes on the side of Tim's car are great for patriotic pinwheels!
Here's the two cutest patriots you'll ever see!
Here we are in the staging area for the parade. We were first in line this year. Except Annie. She was too far away from her car when the parade actually started and to the back of the line she went!
Dave's prize-winning bus!
Dale is providing parade security!
Francie's car.....all decked out!
Paul's car! He had speakers mounted in front playing patriotic music, except for some reason, the music didn't play during the parade. It worked fine once the parade was over though. This of course is in keeping with the VW tradition, that something has to break down. At least none of our cars did!
In line waiting for the parade to start!
A couple of lovely ladies holding the parade banner!
Every parade participant got a free kazoo this year. All there is to the art of playing kazoo is figuring out which end to blow into. These ladies kazoo'd it up good.
One of the patriotic parade dogs!
A 4th of July parade isn't complete unless you have a Bassett in a tutu.
Uncle Sam, letting it all hang out!
I don't know, man. I'm not sure this golf cart is quite patriotic enough. Needs more flags.
Seemed there was a bit of a bird theme this year. Here's some crows (I think), but where were the EAGLES?
Another American golf cart! Notice the nice blue convertible Beetle there. Not in our club. Apparently he wants nothing to do with the riff raff. That's fine! The riff raff has more fun!
A parade just isn't a parade without kids!!!
More birds! Finally an eagle!
Again, not enough flags. Get with it people!
The perfect representation of the Peninsula: Umbrella Jellyfish!
These people were happy and crabby all at the same time!
Gotta have a big ol 'Murican truck for a 'Murican parade!
Who says you need a driver's license to drive in a parade?
Lawnmowers and bicycles, represent!
Hay! Another truck!
.......and back to Paul's for pizza and good ol' 'Murican PBR! Lots of great potluck items brought by everyone. Annie had baked a cherry pie just for the party, but she set it on fire. Luckily Francie and Dale brought pie so there was plenty! Cool story from the parade: As Annie was driving the parade route, a woman came up to her and said, "Hey, I know you'll think this is weird but it's on my bucket list to ride in a Volkswagen! Can I ride with you?" Annie replied, "Not weird at all! Hop in!" She rode in the parade with Annie and took great joy in the whole ride especially when she was waving at her kids. One would never think a VW could fulfill a lifelong dream for someone, but there you have it! VW's just make people smile, and that's what it's all about!