Welp, we here at the Strait Air Volksgrüppe are hoping for our first full year of club happenings since the start of the pandemic. We kicked things off with our first cruise of the season to shake off a serious case of the shack wackies after a long cold winter! We cruised from Port Angeles down to Quilcene via the scenic route and we actually had some serious sunny and kind of warm weather to boot! We stopped for lunch at the Gear Head Deli in Quilcene where all the sandwiches are named after cars (there's no Volkswagen sandwich though!) The cruise went off without a hitch except for one wrong turn which was quickly corrected, and no breakdowns, but Annie did learn that she probably should check her brake fluid level more often than every 10 years.
Meet up at Discovery Bay
We're cruising, baby!
One of our favorite things to do as a club is hold up traffic.
All cruises gotta have a little scenery (besides our gorgeous VW's)
Lunch at Gear Head! I highly recommend the DeLorean sandwich!