We finally were able to pull off Trunk or Treat after 2 years of trying and it was a blast! We all parked our VW's on the street in front of Theresa and Bruce's house, filled our trunks with lotsa candy (and some lights) and let the kids go to town! We were there from 5pm to 7pm and if we were hungry, there were snacks available inside the house. So many happy kids and the parents got to see a mini VW show. Carmen dressed up as Garfield, and the kids loved it! Best of all, the rain managed to hold off, so we were dry, but not necessarily warm except for Carmen in her heated Garfield costume!
So. Much. Candy.
Nate the Pirate sharing the booty.
The kids LOVED Carmen as Garfield!
Mark the Space Alien had many close encounters with Earthling children.
Look what I got, Mom!
A little get together to say "cheese" before moving on to more candy!
It's a great time of year to drive an orange VW!