Our cruise on Saturday, June 13, took us down the Hood Canal (Hwy 101). We met at Wal-Mart in P.A. Then again at the Wal-Mart in Sequim to collect members. We also stopped in Discovery Bay to collect two more members. From there we drove down Hwy 101 through Quilcene, Brinnon, and stopped at the Eagle Creek Saloon for lunch. Delicious burgers, fish 'n chips, etc. The weather couldn't have been better! Warm, sunny, not too much wind. After lunch we drove to the Hoodsport Winery where some of us picked up some essentials. On the way home, we drove up to the Mt. Walker viewpoint. Long, dusty, barely two-lane road - but with a spectacular view at the top. You can see Seattle from here! Then home. Lovely cruise with equally lovely people! Such fun!
Bugs parked at Eagle Creek Saloon. Lunchtime!
Great day to eat and laugh outside!
Had to stop at Hoodsport Winery!
The view after we cruised to the top of Mount Walker! Awesome!