We participated in the July 4th Diamond Point Parade. The weather was hot and beautiful. A really good turnout of people, and a lot of fun! We all decorated our cars American style and Tim's Beetle even had a bubble machine! After the parade we had a pizza potluck at Paul's.
All lined up and ready to go.......
Paul's Beetle!
Francie's Beetle and a princess!
Looks like Francie packed early for Treffen!
Dave's Beetle!
Dan and Linda's Triple White, Red and Blue!
Annie's patriotic hippie Beetle!
Tim's Beetle, complete with a bubble machine!
The "Rogue Beetle". This Beetle showed up for the parade, but had no desire to drive with us......(his loss)
Umbrellas on a sunny day? No, they're jellyfish!
Christmas in July!
Independence dog!
Just some of our adoring fans......
Official Strait Air Volksgrüppe Parade Princess!
Official Strait Air Volksgrüppe Parade Queen!
After-party at Paul's! Pizza and fun!