Sunday, March 11th blessed us with FANTASTIC weather for a cruise to Issaquah to attend the XXX Root Beer Drive In VW Spring Fling! Dave and Francie brought out their newest member of their family, Lucy the 67 Convertible for her first club cruise. Annie, Karen and Rodney also joined the caravan. The event was well attended and we chowed down on good old burgers, fish and chips, and shakes. The drive home was equally beautiful!
Some really beautiful and interesting VW's here!
This dude's Vanagon was very tricked out, both inside and outside. He's ready for anything.
Jennifer's car Fred offered up some yummy desserts for everyone.
Not everyone was so determined to have a good time.
So shiny!
Al's Thing, appropriately named Frau Blucher. The whole thing is a tribute to the movie "Young Frankenstein".
Karen, Francie and Lucy enjoying the sunshine!
Some lady dubbers gather for a group picture!
We had to stop by Boehm's chocolates on the way home!
The beginning of the cruise home.